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Spur Squat

Updated: Oct 12, 2020

Don't squat with your spurs on...but if you do, then you are working the hamstrings, glutes and thighs!

How to:

1. From back to basics, lift to barrel pose

2. Anchor feet in the ground, spread toes

3. Lifts up before bending aligned knees

4. Circular breathing while focusing up

Don't do:

1. Drop belly button belt buckle low back

2. Sit shallow with crooked hips or knees

3. Unevenly weight feet, heavy in heels

4. Attach shoulders to the neck, hunched

This pose allows us to work several parts of our body, as well as challenge our focus, balance and symmetrical mobility. Our hamstrings, glutes, and thighs are all connected and controlled from the pelvis and core. This pose is where we will find our habits of asymmetry will show. Sometimes our feet will be rocking back on the heels, or one foot will weigh heavier than the other. Our knees might want to bend in, or bend stiffly, and our ankles might not want to flex at all. The spur squat is not only about 'the burn' but largely about the biomechanics of what allows our body the ability to do the position well.

Ride and Apply:

When we ride, having stamina in the lower body is important. English riders are especially familiar with this as they often do a posting canter, or two-point risen position. We might technically be seated deep in the saddle most of the time, but to develop more dynamic muscle patterns and muscle memory it is good to throw some variety in. We are less likely to come out of the saddle if we are familiar with knowing different ways to stay in it.

Try it:

If you have a mirror to do this near to evaluate that your lower back and squash blossom does not retaliate against you. You want your posture to support you not impede you. You can try this exercise multiple ways. You can just squat with your knees bent, and feet flat with hands on your hips. Or you can squat deeper with your arms above your head stretching high through the squash blossom posture. To elevate the challenge raise the heels and balance on the balls of the feet. You can also try holding the pose as the arms move in a fluid pattern.

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